Saturday 17 June 2017

VOV Kwak Hyun Joo

  Bless me.... Cuz gotta a bunch of  trouble I just lost my appetite to talk. Sorry for bad start T-T
Writing  is like mind plus soul, messy mind and empty soul make you lazy to write. finally with full of anger on mind I can start to realize that i need to lost it from  my mind. Lets start

I got this product a long time ago, and try it  for several times, this my report guys😷

first, lets talk about the color, yeap this series really nice for daily use or for glam look. there are four color available in this series: from dark to light color. 

Then why it also can be use as glam look ??
answer: it has glitter on the dark color so when you want look a bit deep it amazingly can give you strong look as glam for smoky eyes. 

then how about the texture???
It has smooth touch, so it will give nice touch when you use it just with your hand. But if you prefer for safety you can use your favorite brush. 

( _ ) It really pigmented for the dark color, so wisely use it
and Less pigmented for the light color
You just need really a little amount for your safety... or you looked aged
Warning use brush if you have really nice brush, cuz it will make you crazy (dangerous)

Lets continue, then how bout durability
OK I give my super nice smile for it
even in the hot weather or rainy day it stays still guys.
But I still prefer use an eye primer for first step. But if you has nice white skin I suggest you just use it without any primer. Basically, it will give you fresh, light, and young look.

Lastly, Bout the price I think is nice.... (my honest read from here : quite pricey) Quality = Price
But it will last long so just .....

Finally, my conclusion, Yeap I suggest you to give it a try. I like it. Fresh look and glam look  in one product. can be use as daily make up.

Rating: 😍 1/2

Monday 29 May 2017

Halo ........
Finally, I'm back...
Have been a long time no scratch no idea. I just don't have any appetite to talk hehe. sorry (no offend OK)

as I  am promise ,,,
Now I'll talk in about THIs product, mention it

VOV  collabo  Kwak Hyun joo

There are many cute things for this series, but for first things I want to represent my comment and review about CC. It has two option color as usual for light and super light. I just appetite to buy it  cuz it has cute package but no regret...

 Really happy to share my comment for this (my second baby) yeap. Lets start it.
If you have oily or dry skin never mind. As I try It can be use for both. I don't know  why....
As I always mention before on my old post, I have oily skin type but not extend to oily as you can fry a whole potato. Surprisingly, It give me a good result, my skin became more moist and fresh no sticky feel left after a few minute.

That's it ???
There's more guys
I just try it for my safety......  Give me a bit pessimistic feel....
Suggest no rainy day or get so much work out ...  It has super fast gone away  ja ja defenseless to water. no resist so   if you like to use it for heavy day with heavy weather just say goodbye.

It just for a natural look with no heavy make up for big day. I tried it with such weather no good I got. But for daily make up I say OK. Cuz it has soft touch and no heavy coverage that make your skin got tired easily. If you like natural look with white effect on your skin this product can be use.

But at least I still like this product because it can easily use. 
Then it also can be use on dry skin type. 
Note: It has no friendly relationship with concealer.
When I  tried my concealer on the top of it, I got burn feel. So if you want to try use it with other your make up product, please try it on really  small amount. Wisely .

So my conclusion.....
Oily Skin
Soft touch
No Coverage
No water resist 

3 and half star

If you like my post, please let me know on comment

Saturday 18 March 2017

SoONSoo Star Foundation

Just bought it last week...
I'm a bit attract of it, cuz of the package. Again you you .... please be second and last time.
Visual so pleasure me.
Look shinny with silver dominant colour.
But I'm also want to try about another type of foundation actually..
Usually, I prefer liquid foundation as my makeup base. It an easily blend on my face rather than the creamy one. For my daily make up it can reduce my time. But for my knowledge I will try this one.
Smart move, Right?

Yeah not that bad I got my make up more brightening than my usual. Constantly, blend well with my face tone. No ashy color kkkk. I just apply it one time and taraaa I like it. I choose it because it has spf 50+ so it can help us to prevent from harsh sun on the broad day. Then I just experiment hoho going out for a long hours on the broad day.
so I got my pleasure for result. No baked or cake crispy found out on my face. Bamm, no waste time good job baby. It's my second time to use an Asian product with creamy type. First, I use  Too Cool for School. I had write it on my old post about it. Here

The Colour tone seem deep for Asian, yeap many product just offer some bright tone. I'm so speechless back then. I really like deep or dark if possibly for my foundation. Why why???? Ting Tong  yeah that's right. I really don't like the fair the light or whatever that make me looks just like a doll with scary white face for sure. No offend Ok. My skin tone not that fair or white as snow so don't risk for it. I just need it for touch up.  it has glow effect so I just use a little amount of it so no shiny on top of my forehead  gah.  

Last word: hm finally it come to end of my chit chat.... So I just need to conclude my choice about this... sos hehe i love it. No other offend . I recommend  it for you guys if you have oily type skin.

Rating: 3/5

Thursday 9 March 2017

Shadow: Legend

Legend Vite Squa

Musim kemarau ga jelas plus ujan bikin ribet
Dengan berat hati kulit  mataku kena alergi nih
So Searching deh product yang berformula ringan dan lebih medicine

Jadi jalan dan belok ke cosmetic zone hehehe
Ga asik mata ga pake apa-apa cuz kulit mataku agak chocolatte gitu
Nemulah nih product
Dari jauh kemasan dah beda simply banget W-H-I-T-E nengoklah lebih dalem

Aseli kan super simply package nya. Tapi karena itulah tertarik tuk  lebih tau... kubuka box nya (sorry aku lupa box nya dimana: unboxing). lanjut kubuka deh  ada mirror  plus applicator super mini.

Three variants colour available. Nude, Choco latte, and Dark Brown, perfect for natural look.  Warnanya ga ngebetein or terlalu pigmented. Sekali apply  dah nempel tuh warnanya (note:buat yang agak choco kulit matanya berbaik hatilah , apply it two times)  untuk warna yang nude nya, tapi yang dark brown nya sih cukup sekali apply (be careful lebih  pigmented, wisely use kalau ga jadi panda hehee).

Nah plusnya product ini bisa dibuat glow,  caranya  pake air dikit di tool yang udah dikasih trus press it dulu baru deh ulas ke shadow  then apply it to your  eyes skin dijamin jadi elegant look and  fresh  glow. kalau mau hasil lembut ya ga usah di tambah air OK.

Pemakaian lama cuaca panas tetep  ok.

Last Word:
I recommend this product for you. It has nice texture and color just perfect for natural or fresh look.
My second choice after  REVOLUTION yang udah aku review sebelumnya.

Rating: 4/5

Shadow: Revolution

Baked Mono Eyeshadow

Sorry for low light
This is one of my favorite shadow. But i'm sure i can make an objective comment for it.
Yash, Let's start
Texture: Smooth and neat
Color: has a glow touch
Result: First apply, already pigmented, second apply give a glowing vibe and a bit of dark smudge

Kalau kamu suka smoky eyes makeup  produk ini bagus banget, cuz ga susah ngeblend nya di kulit mata. plus ada glow touch nya bikin mata kamu lebih glam look.
Tapi untuk makeup natural kayaknya kurang cook soalnya ada glow touch nya. Kalau kepepet sih pake aja basic eyes shadow cream or eye prime plus nude color dari Legend. It give natural looks.

Lumayan tahan air dan keringat juga. Jadi bisa buat makeup di cuaca panas kayak sekarang ini. Buat makeup malem lebih bagus, hasil pigmented and glow. Sayang product ini ga kasih tools buat apply nya.
Don't worry just buy it. Terkadang yang ada juga ga kepake kan.

Last  Word: Yup I recommend it for You.
Rating: 4/5

too cool for school: Photoready Pact

too cool  for school : Photoready Pact

- London New  York

Ok this product... finally got it.
Namanya Photoready so many expectation for good result heheh
First Liat dulu package nya
Ini cuma boxnya ok
 Yup package nya art banget.. effort design approve. liat lebih complete

 Buka lanjut liat dalemnya yuk

Confesing time
kalau liat namanya pasti ni product bagus banget buat photo makeup
Texture super micro smooth... ga berasa di muka kayak ga pake pa-pa
sekali  apply hasil nice... ingat di press gently jangan di usap doang ok.

Buat yang suka pake cushion, boleh belok buat nyoba
Selain texture yang super micro smooth, product ini juga ga punya smell yang strong and ganggu.
Cocok buat sehari-hari cuz ringan di kulit ga bikin belepotan setelah paparan matahari di luar ruangan heheh. Bisa dipake buat all skin. Kalau kulit sensitif bisa pake buat foundation atau base. Applicator nya juga asik. Sayang price nya ga buat semua orang happy.

Last word: I recommend this product for you.
Rating: 4/5

Wednesday 1 March 2017

THE SAEM Pure White

THE SAEM Pure White Brightening Cream, My First and Last

Finally as I Promise, I make it

It's beautiful Day

Dah lama banget pengen nyoba ni product akhirnya
Let's see my Baby

Hm, Apa dulu ya buat posting an yang ini:.............
Package OK five star
Don't let me go,,,, this far
wake up wake up be objective
Let's talk about you, talk about you

I promise as fair as I can
hmm hmm, Name: The Saem ( ay clapping like a seal),  The Saem Brightening Cream..(Faint)
Hallo, wake up
OK, Let me explain bout this product.
I open the box,

I got this. Pleasure  to meet you. This product give vibe of nature classic. it has great fragrance yet smooth. Nice smell like i thought. Yes there also tool to apply it. small spoon so cute and useful.
It can prevent some germ to contaminate the product. smart move.
No No starting to siding again. O-B-E-J-E-C-T_I-V-E.

OK. Start to apply it..... yump I'm dreaming. haiks It so moist and cool cream. apply it make me feel da best. I thought that i got hypnotic,,, It makes my skin calm and rest yet cooling. After one hour, I still can feel the freshness sensation. I got it. and at the morning my skin looks more healthy, with good tone skin. My skin more brighten and moist. My precious. (Seal clapping).

Last Word:
What I'm already finish my dream.... S-E-R-I-O-U-S-L-Y.  I recommend it for you.
No more word I an Describe for this product. Just try it as soon as possible. I believe you will love it.
Price No Comment. Happy to try it. My first and Last


SilkyGirl Pure Fresh All-in-One

SILKY GIRL Pure Fresh All -in -one

Another good things
Yup, product keluaran SilkyGirl buat remove make up
Let's see
Package lovely pink yet fresh. Bagus juga seperti biasa aku suka kemasan yang see through gitu  cuz  kliatannya clean an neat beside bisa juga peeping isinya. Jadi ngiker juga kapan tuh abisnya product.
Ok kemasan B

Kemasan boleh, trus kualitinya nih
Pake sekali aku suka ... titik
Formnya gel jadi so cool  adem di kulit, ada vit B5 and aloe vera
Intinya yang bikin happy itu : All Skin Type , tapi ga iritasi ya
Cuz it's gel guys. Don't let your guard down.. belepotan bisa

Cara pakai harus dibaca ya, product all- in- one , maksudnya cara apply nya beda- beda kalau buat mata pake kapas trus press gently nah wipe nya mesti downwards arahnya biar ga sisa make up nya. ingat gently
cuz kulit mata beda banget soft banget. nah buat muka ga usah pakai kapas langsung aja apply and pijat putar gently.ok semua beres tinggal di wash pake air  deh.

Ini product baik banget jelasin cara pakainya. Jadi ga takut salah pakai.
Buat yang simply suka bersih- bersih di air this for you. haha
Kalau aku sukanya yang darat aja. concern sih di air kalau mau remove make up nya kemaleman.
tapi buat resultnya sih OK.
Wajah moist, clean, ga dry and no irritation guys.

Oh kelupaan  this product water based no oil and 100% soap-free
Aman buat yang punya kulit oily nih. Sekedar komen tiap part of face ga punya kondisi yang sama, note
ada yang oily biasanya bagian hidung, ada yang kering bawah mata dst.

Last Word: I recommend this product buat kamu yang suka product water based. Price ok lah setara.

Rating: 4/5


Google it and find it...
Hai hai lagi inspire lagi review nih
produk maybelline baru ktemu di lemari
akhirnya kucoba juga

Ternyata  ga bikin bete nih product
begitu kubuka seal nya ga berbau.. yes no smell, congratulation
biasanya agak bau oil gitu kalo yang ada oil based nya
nah ini kayaknya product oil free sesamanya Garnier Micellar Cleansing yang udah aku review sebelumnya
Trus after use ga bikin irritation and itchy
cuz sekali lagi aku punya kulit yang sensitif  aseli

Kalo bedanya sih yang ini lebih mudah mengangkat dan memindahkan bekas make up ke kapas
as predict sih maybelline. kemasannya  juga handy ga takut belepotan atau tumpah. aman buat dibawa kemana aja.
Tapi klau soal price ya lebih tinggi dari Garnier

So I decided to recommend it buat kamu yang pengen bermake up tapi ga jadi ribet.
Harga setara kualitaslah, jangan pengen murah tapi kulit jadi korban guys.
Muka cuma satu ya gak, mau disimpan dimana coba
Sekedar saran simpan jauh dari paparan sinar matahari biar cool terus productnya

Rating: 4/5


Super Simply Breakfast

Pagi... lets supply our heart with food

cooking NO, take a lot of effort lol
just prepare as usual
a bottle of cold water
much sereal
and milk

just a few minutes
my meal

it really full my empty heart. its better than go with empty, right?
but i don't recommend it for everyday for sure cuz its contain so much flour that make you fatter kekeke
but its good choice for a moment. I really love to have it for my breakfast.  if you have a weak stomach i recommend you to eat oatmeal instead. it make a good recharge. and no harm to our stomach.

Last time i got sick I got warn from Doc to stop eat food flour based cuz it just full my stomach without balance nutrient that lead  my friend fatty to come nicely. I got it know Doc. So seriously I really stop eating my luxurious food... yup bread da best. I need really a health food. So leave me get it one, my cereal. Honestly, I just take it one for a day.

Ok my blah blah bout my concern. intinya selagi ada makanan yang lebih healthy ya just reject it.
tapi kalo lagi kepepet okelah instead go with empty stomach cuz itu lebih parah. Lets say : no empty stomach before go.

Note: nih cereal ga ngebosenin. mystery , crunchy less flavor, need milk with sweet taste. it enough to pleasure our palate.



Second try

lost my soul , feel amazing horrible

My package arrive ....
Yeah lets unboxing it
ah still lost my appetite to write
this my worst experience heol my post

in a blink just disappeared

check check

give me strength, ok be professional

Yap my paket baru aja nyampe

Good job.. cuz ga lama nih paket nyampenya. No waste time.  blah blah
start unboxing . not bad there no much selotip which contain so many stickiness and keribetannya
Thanks God.

Maju maju stage selanjutnya konten
Tadaaa super neat and wrapping nicely. gosh they do their job. well done.

kya box nya clean kyak baru dibangun hehehe. Ok nih paketan kirim  bagus service nya. tiap produk di kemas terpisah pake bubble wrap yang well done fit body heol.

Ga tega jadinya misahin nih wrapping dari produknya. oh emotionless needed. crak cresh criek
dilepas juga jadinya.  walau kutulis setengah hati nih post cuz first error jadi juga.

Last word: no complain buat nih paket plus yang dateng juga yang kumau heheh.
Note:  sebenernya  apapun produknya kalau wrapping nya ga well  done bikin kita males bukanya .
          Please be pretty my packet so i can unboxing you very soon.

Berhubung udah baikan nih mood nya, ...
kasih preview deh produk yang kebelinya, sayang nih produknya pretty




Ok itu my newborn baby.. next time buat reviewnya. see u.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

GARNIER MIcellar Cleansing Water



   Truly, make up  remover is a must item for someone who like to do make up.  Many product with amazing offering result are available.  New baby 👼 made by Garnier just arrived.  

Promising with new formula with as pure 👶and mild as water, Garnier give us a good offering👰. As their offer it has clean touch like water, no oily after use💢, has a big appetite to absorb our make up, and no trace of irritation 😈or dry feeling.
Such interesting promise from this product, right? 

  Lets see truth:
For a moment...............I take the bait. 
 Confessing time,,,,😓😓
First try,  It give me chill feeling with (one point, you got it).  Then it like open my pore and take gone all my make up with gently feeling (second point). Gosh love it from the deepest of my heart. No strong smell  ( yeah here your third point).  
Lastly, it has no irritation reaction on my skin ( two point plus).  Normally, I am always got irritation  with speedy effect like redness, itchy, or acne for the worst.   It is worthy to try it.  

Will I recommend this product for you?
Yeah, It has good formula with no sticky effect and irritation after use.  😋You don’t need to dig deep pocket for it. 
😷Sadly, we must apply it for several times, not in one go. At least three times for daily make up. No comment for heavy make up. TT 

Rating: 3/5